Retail Portfolio
Chelsea Clocktower Complex
The Chelsea Clocktower development, located on the north edge of downtown Chelsea, MI, was previously a factory and warehouse complex. After extensive redevelopment of the site and buildings, including a judicious combination of renovation and demolition / new construction, the complex now houses a collection of offices, restaurants, and shops that bring new life to a formerly run-down area. The largest retail & office building, the Commons, was designed with an interior street for access to multiple tenant spaces.
Fran Coys Salon
This hair salon & spa had an elite reputation for its staff’s expertise, but the cramped and dated building did not reflect or contribute to that reputation. The building was expanded with an addition wrapping three sides of the existing building to provide a totally new look and customer experience. Unusual features included a rare commercial use of insulated concrete forms, and exterior ceramic tile.
Glencoe Crossing
Glencoe Crossing was an outdated and largely vacant shopping center when it was taken over by McKinley. Minor renovations were done to the main building (by others) but the two smaller structures closer to the road needed more extensive renovation. One building, shown here, has a Starbucks along with two other spaces; the other building houses an Ichiban Restaurant.
The Victors Collection by M Den
This renovation created a retail space for the finest available clothing and other merchandise with University of Michigan affiliation.
Argus Farm Stop
This renovation of a former gas station has created a popular year-round farmers’ market and coffee house on the west side of Ann Arbor’s downtown. A subsequent greenhouse addition provides a community gathering space. CDI has also worked on a second location on Packard.
777 N. University
The project involved a renovation of a vacant bank building, adjoining the UM campus, for new uses. The blank bank walls were opened up with large windows, enhancing the streetscape. The owner was able to land a prominent national restaurant tenant after the renovation.
Golden Chain
Golden Chain Jeweler relocated to a new location and wanted to upgrade its image. The design combines open ceilings and bright colors, with classic detailing and light fixtures, to convey the combination of creativity and quality the client wanted. Work included design of new display cases.
Ready to connect with CDI?
David Esau, AIA, President: